Brand business

Lorius, a brand-enhancing company representing many European and North American brands in overseas markets, is a pioneer in the brand business. To this day, we retain the industry leader in this area of business, multi-tier business models. Using our unique marketing capabilities, we have created business models that include not only import business, but also consolidation of licenses, production of branded product models we deal with, as well as mergers and management involvement. In addition to a wide variety of areas such as luxury, sportswear, and casual wear, we also work with numerous brands related to shoes, bags, and other accessories. Together with over 250 sub-licensees and distributors, we strive to maximize brand value in the global marketplace.
In this area of business, we strive to further develop our business models, entering new directions. Using our experience in promoting brands, we are expanding the foundations of our business, expanding the scope of our business from fashion and apparel to all categories related to lifestyle.
Focusing on future workgroups that are expected to grow in global business, we accelerate global business development through computational links with large local workgroups. For example, we are making efforts to expand sales in the Asian and Eastern European markets with constant new store openings.